The Jupiter Ensemble, with Director David Owen Norris, celebrate Jane Austen’s 250th anniversary with Carl Davis’s much-loved score for the 1995 BBC series of ‘Pride & Prejudice‘. Rossini’s wit and classic style have much in common with Austen. His ‘Thieving Magpie’ overture certainly conjures up the right atmosphere, as does Mendelssohn’s Octet, in a special arrangement for quartet.
The concert also includes a great rarity, ‘Admired Melodies from the May Queen’, which explores the score that Sir William Sterndale Bennett created for the opening of Leeds Town Hall in 1858.
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Rossini ‘Thieving Magpie’ Overture (arr. S.F. Rimbault)
Bennett ‘Admired Melodies from The May Queen’ (arr. W.H. Callcott)
Davis ‘Pride & Prejudice’ (arr. David Owen Norris)
Main Theme
Canon Collins and Lady Catherine de Bourgh
Elizabeth and Mr Darcy
Mendelssohn Octet Op 20 (arr. Edward Shuttleworth)
Katy Bircher
Caroline Balding
Andrew Skidmore
David Owen Norris