Man sat at a grand piano on stage looking out at an audience of school children

Venue facilities & information

Explore Turner Sims opening hours and what to expect when you visit us.


Box Office

Turner Sims Box Office is open from 1.30pm – 4.30pm Monday to Friday. We are also open on weekdays and at weekends 2 hours before event start time until 15 minutes after event start time.

Contacting our box office team:

Explore our facilities



The toilets are located to the left of the Box Office, opposite the bar. There are accessible cubicles in male and female toilets.

Baby Changing and Buggy Park

We love welcoming families to Turner Sims. Baby changing facilities are available in both toilets. Head straight to the far end and you'll see the baby changing table set up ready to go. For all family events, we have a designated space for buggies just to the right of the main entrance. This area is unstaffed so please take your valuables with you when you enter the hall.


There are coat hooks in the entrances to the toilets where you are welcome to leave your coat. This area is unstaffed so please take all valuables with you.


Cameras, video recorders and any audio or visual recording devices are strictly prohibited, unless agreed by prior arrangement with Turner Sims. Please turn your mobile phone off and enjoy the performance.

Cashless Venue

We are a cashless venue, as part of our commitment to audiences' safety and being an efficient and sustainable building. We accept major contactless debit and credit cards as well as mobile and wearable payment methods.

Lost Property

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of live music and leave things behind. Lost property is logged and safely stored at our Box Office for up to one month. If you think you've left something behind, please contact the Box Office on 023 8059 5151 or email and we'll let you know if we've found it.
Turner Sims is a fantastic place. It showcases a wide variety of artists which isn't available elsewhere in the local area. Its a friendly place with great facilities.
Audience Survey Response