The Future Producers: a Turner Sims and UoS Music Partnership Project

Future Producers is a partnership project between Turner Sims and the University of Southampton Department of Music, giving a unique opportunity to a group of music students to programme concerts at Turner Sims and community venues. These students get the opportunity to work alongside industry professionals to learn new skills and gain experience planning, producing and delivering live music events.

Who are we?

Our 2024 team of Future Producers are the FRAZ Collective – Frankie, Ralph, Angelo and Zephyr. Brought together by a shared passion for music and experimentation, we are a team of four first year music students looking to bring new ideas and styles of music to Turner Sims. With a shared love for electronic and jazz music, we are hoping to bring a vibrant, youthful audience to Turner Sims with two upcoming concerts.

What are our aims?

We want Turner Sims to be at the forefront of an engaging music scene in Southampton and entice a new demographic of young people to discover the progressive and experimental musicians that Turner Sims showcases. One of our most important aims is to serve the community in Southampton – which is why one of our two concerts is in collaboration with Friends of St James’ Park’s Summer Festival on the 15 June. Turner Sims will have a one hour takeover at this event with the seven piece jazz and funk band Side Eye and alternative rock band Zero Saints bringing amazing live music to the community.

How will we achieve this?

In both of our concerts, we will be booking what we believe to be on trend and current. By putting on interesting and engaging musical performances that stand out from the crowd, we hope to create a buzz around what we are showcasing. We’ve got some amazing music in store that we’re thrilled to share, so stay tuned and watch this space!

Frankie, Ralph, Angelo, Zephyr (FRAZ Collective)

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