Peformers on a stage with children watching, one is sat on a fake boke made of boxes and two are wearing high-vis jackets and helmets


We welcome schools to enrich the curriculum with live music experiences for children and young people.

Add excitement to the curriculum with a trip to Turner Sims. Free concerts, school discounts, and innovative projects could help you deliver memorable education.

I've been to many different presentations to children, and I can honestly say it was the best I've ever experienced - bravo
Nichola Caveney Music Lead, Highfield CE Primary School on Aurora Concert

School concerts

In collaboration with Southampton Music Hub and Hampshire Music Service, we offer free concerts for schools. Children and young people from Southampton and beyond get to experience diverse line-ups of musicians. Last year’s concerts included classical, jazz and folk music.

All school concerts are free to attend and tailored to different age groups. If you’re attending an early years, primary or secondary age concert you can be confident it will match your curriculum needs.

To be notified about School Concerts, please email

School Projects

Each year, we run a couple of in-depth projects with schools in Southampton and Hampshire. If you would like to set up a project with your school, please get in touch with Jessica Santer, Head of Engagement and Participation at

The project staff created a wonderful project for our pupils to learn about leading an arts event. They had so much professionalism, fun and ideas.
Teacher, Bassett Green Primary School

Young Producers

Families from Bassett Green Primary School worked with us for a year to co-produce two Family Days.

12 families attended Summer Family Day 2023 as ‘Special Investigators’ to experience the event and give feedback. The children, our ‘Young Producers’, then attended monthly workshops with us to plan the next two Family Days. They made programming decisions, created a poster with a designer, worked with a film company to develop a Welcome Film for families, and more!

Young Producers was great for pupils’ creativity, confidence, teamwork and sense of belonging.


Listening Guide

Supported by Hampshire Music Service, we worked with Stanmore Primary School to create a listening guide for schools.

MishMash Ensemble gave a concert at the school for years R-6 and ran a workshop for year 3 children. The children explored how they engage with classical music and worked with MishMash to develop new ways of presenting it. MishMash included the changes in their follow-up concert at Turner Sims, performed to an audience of four primary schools.

City Eye created a series of short films with us to help schools introduce different ways of engaging with live music. The films include what to listen and look out for, and what to think about in your imagination.

The children and adults had a wonderful time - it was mesmerising to hear MishMash again and the children were thrilled to see their suggestions in real life!
Liz Jones, Stanmore Primary School