Will Gregory Moog Ensemble | Archimedes


Will Gregory – one half of pop duo Goldfrapp – leads this extraordinary 10-piece ensemble of analogue synths.

A moog is a type of synthesiser that produces electronic sounds of various musical instruments. Presented in surround sound by Turner Sims and the University of Southampton Department of Music’s Future Producers, this one-off performance explores ways of combining these monosynths and demonstrates their fantastic versatility.

Tonight’s line-up includes Portishead’s Adrian Utley and composer Graham Fitkin. They perform works by Bach, John Carpenter, extracts from A Clockwork Orange, and new music from their first album, Heat Ray (released on Mute, June 2024).

‘My first contact with synths was the amazing Switched On Bach; Wendy Carlos’ seminal 1969 record of herself ingeniously multitracked playing Robert Moogs’ modular synthesiser – when the world suddenly woke up to what electronic instruments were capable of. When I heard this beautiful record again, after collecting and recording synths as an adult, I asked myself this question: why had nobody tried playing Bach, or other music, live as an ensemble of monophonic analogue synths? Wendy Carlos had shown us how great these instruments sounded collectively… so could they be taken out of the studio, put in to the hands of some excellent musicians, and played together like any other ensemble of say strings, or brass or voices? I had all these weird synths on shelves gathering dust and realised this could be an excellent use for them. I farmed them out to my musician friends to experiment with and we tried out playing Bach’s 9 part 3rd Brandenburg Concerto. And this became the Moog Ensemble. I am amazed to say everyone who was there on that first day 15 years ago is still in the ensemble, although everyone has now acquired their own less cranky synths to bond with.’

Will Gregory 2024


Price Bands

We are introducing new standard price bands this season to widen access to the joy of live music. Price Bands A – C offer a choice of prices to suit different budgets, depending on where you sit. Price Band C will give everyone the option of accessing lower standard ticket prices than we’ve previously offered.

The Turner Sims Friends 10% discount applies to all price bands and for this event Friends prices are as follows: Band A £22.50, Band B £19.80, Band C £12.60.


Under 18£12.00
Under 18£12.00